To be a trusted salesperson

Trade Division

Functional Chemicals Department Ms. D
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  • 2012

    Studied in the Master’s program in Analytical Chemistry at Hunan University 

    Participated in HighChem’s internship during the first year of the Master’s program

  • 2014.08

    Joined HighChem and was assigned to the Trade Division


― What made you decide to join HighChem?

When I completed my master’s program in China and was considering my future career path, I remembered HighChem, where I had interned. At that time, I had offers from other companies in China, but I was attracted to HighChem because of the family-like atmosphere I experienced during the internship and the opportunity to grow in my field of expertise, “chemistry”. Also, wanting to “see the wider world outside of China” was another major motivation.

― You graduated from a university in China, did you study Japanese?

Actually, when I came to Japan for the internship, I couldn’t speak Japanese at all. Also, when I got a job offer from HighChem, although I had passed the Level 2 Japanese Language Proficiency Test, it was just test knowledge, and I couldn’t read emails or understand what the people around me were saying, so I struggled a lot. Thinking that this was not good for doing sales at HighChem, I studied on my own after joining the company. Now, I have reached a level where I can communicate with Japanese customers without any problems.

―What is your current job?

I am in charge of the operations when major Japanese companies do OEM production (production by the client’s brand) of functional chemicals in China. OEM production is a job that bridges between the Japanese commissioning company and the Chinese contractor.

To ensure smooth coordination between the commissioning and contracting parties, I conduct market research, factory audit selection, and production management system construction. In addition to being a mere information transmitter, I utilize the trust relationship built with Chinese manufacturers and the know-how in the chemical industry in Japan and China to the fullest, and as a pipeline between Japan and China, I help lead our customers’ businesses to success.

Recently, I have also been challenging myself with business transfer cases, and I was involved in a business transfer case of a new ceramic binder business from a Japanese manufacturer. In the future, I will also be involved in introducing Japan’s one and only ceramic binder technology to China.

― What was the hardest job you’ve ever had?
It is the experience of OEM production that I am still in charge of. When I joined the company, it became actual production and I was in charge. For two years after the start of sales, we were able to increase sales volume smoothly, but in 2016, a problem occurred on the manufacturing side, and it became a major claim issue. And then, for almost a year, shipments were stopped. At that time, I was really suffering and had a lot of worries. But with a strong feeling that I had to overcome this difficulty no matter what, I tried various solutions such as responding at high speed if there were materials to translate and catching market information quickly in order to communicate closely between the commissioning and contracting parties. And with the teamwork of all the stakeholders, we were finally able to solve the problem and resume shipments. There were various things, but the experience at that time has become a great asset.

And now, this product has become a main product of HighChem, and I think it was really good that I worked hard at that time.

― What is rewarding about working at HighChem?

1. Even young people can take on challenges! The company culture makes it easy to consult with superiors about the work or ideas you want to challenge. If you propose an idea, your superiors will support you, and they will cover for any lack of experience or knowledge due to youth.

2. A family-like atmosphere where women can also thrive. The company is characterized by a family-like atmosphere, with events and employee trips. Also, if women produce results, they are entrusted with work.

3. You can empathize with the company’s vision! As a Chinese person working in Japan, I can greatly empathize with the company’s stance of contributing to society as a “bridge between Japan and China”.

Also, the fact that HighChem does not just import and export goods, but draws a concrete vision towards the realization of a sustainable society, is a point that I can greatly empathize with. Working at HighChem gives me a great motivation because I can contribute to the earth and the environment.  

― What do you want to challenge yourself with in the future?

So far, I have been in charge of jobs with a base, and I have been performing my duties under the guidance of my seniors. In the future, I want to challenge myself with jobs that I can carve out from zero by myself.

And, as stated in the company’s vision, I want to do meaningful work not only for myself but also for the earth and society. And, like the boss I respect, I want to become a salesman who can be trusted by the people around me.