HighChem Company Limited Director Yuichi Taka

We want to work with talent who can realize
‘We are the BRIDGE’ 
through meritocracy,challenging thinking, and a higher perspective.

Director, HighChem Corporation Yuichi Taka

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Uniting the hearts of employees and 
working together to become a “trillion-yen” company.

― What is the direction that HighChem is aiming for?

HighChem has reached its 25th anniversary since its establishment. 
Over the past 25 years, it has launched various businesses as a bridge between Japan and China. In the last fiscal year, the consolidated revenue exceeded 100 billion yen for the first time.
In 2034, 12 years from now, we will aim to go one digit further and achieve our big dream of “achieving sales of 1 trillion yen” under the motto “All for 1 for All. ” 
This motto represents the unity of employees with diverse backgrounds and expertise who work at HighChem. Each employee leverages their unique background and specialization across a wide range of business areas. Together, they strive to become a trillion-yen company."

― What do you think is necessary to achieve
this “All for 1 for All” goal of reaching 1 trillion yen?

To achieve the goal of one trillion yen, there are three important principles that HighChem employees should embrace. 
First, it’s essential to  have a growth-oriented and challenge-driven mindset.
Simply waiting won’t lead to any progress. 
Whether in work or life, we must proactively carve our own path rather than merely wishing for things to happen. 
Additionally, humans tend to resist change and new endeavors. 
Therefore, I encourage everyone to approach everything with courage and take on challenges.

Secondly, we should “be individuals who continuously adapt and choose to face forward. ”
Positivity and forward-thinking are not just personality traits; they stem from a conscious decision to look ahead. 
Maintaining this attitude is crucial. 
Anyone can muster the courage to momentarily lift themselves up and face forward. 
We need the patience to keep moving forward, unafraid of change.

Lastly, “having a forgiving heart”  is essential. When we take on challenges, failure is inevitable.
In fact, I think that a challenge that does not fail is not a real challenge.
Therefore, both now and in the future, we should foster a culture that accepts failure as a natural outcome of ambitious endeavors.

Let’s further embed courage, perseverance, and forgiveness into HighChem’s fundamental corporate culture.

Desired Qualities in Candidates: Actions Speak Louder Than Words

― What do you think is the most important mindset that HighChem employees should have?
Please also share the desired qualities in candidates.

In our company, the shared mindset can be succinctly described as “Meritocracy.”.
When HighChem refers to merit, they mean practical ability—the power of action.
As a result, HighChem consistently seeks individuals who embody the principle of “Actions speak louder than words.”
Rather than waiting until they are 100% prepared or until success is nearly guaranteed, HighChem values those who take action while thinking, even if they are at 70% capability. 
No matter how brilliant a plan may seem, its correctness remains uncertain until it is put into practice. 
Similarly, individuals who merely point out existing problems without taking initiative to improve them, relying on others or subordinates, will not thrive.
In the world, what becomes visible through action and practice is often much more significant.

Another significant reason is that I believe, “If you don’t take action, you’re not truly serious.”
Why? Because action comes with responsibility.
When you hold a knife, you cut vegetables, and when you hold a screwdriver, you tighten screws. 
You don’t just wave them around.
It may seem obvious, but that’s because action carries responsibility.

HighChem has experienced many mistakes throughout its growth, but each time, it made gradual corrections to become what it is today. 
This was undoubtedly possible due to an environment that praises challenges and tolerates mistakes. 
To continue being a growing company, we need individuals who aren’t afraid of failure, managers who focus on execution, and leaders who set an example by taking action themselves.

I want to create a company that pays the highest salaries in Asia.

― What kind of workplace would you like HighChem to be?

As a business leader, I believe that the most important things to demonstrate are “meaningful work” and “competitive compensation”.
Therefore, I want HighChem to be a company that offers the most fulfilling jobs in Asia while providing excellent pay
To achieve this, we’ve already taken steps such as raising the base wage in 2022 and implementing performance-based incentive programs starting this fiscal year. These efforts allow us to significantly give back to employees who contribute to the company’s growth.

However, that alone isn’t sufficient. We need to foster a sense that each individual is valued within the organization, that they belong here, and that they are essential. Creating psychological safety is crucial.
To achieve this, it’s essential to have meaningful work and clearly defined roles for everyone. 
When employees feel needed by the organization and experience gradual improvements in their daily lives, the company operates smoothly.

A person with a broad heart and perspective
who can realize “We are the BRIDGE”.

― What skill sets will become crucial for HighChem in the future?

Since its founding, HighChem has grown by bridging the gap between Japan and China as a “bridge” connecting the two nations. 
However, moving forward, new gaps will emerge, distinct from those of the past 30 years.
Now, the quality of life improvements sought by Japan’s 100 million people are becoming equally important to China’s 1 billion people.This presents a significant opportunity for Japan’s chemical industry. 
Chemical products fundamentally contribute to enhancing the quality of life—they serve as infrastructure for progress.
Despite advancements, there still exists a gap between Japan and China in terms of chemical technologies that support quality-of-life improvements. This gap represents a substantial business opportunity.

Additionally, during a recent business trip to Europe, I keenly felt the heightened awareness regarding environmental issues. 
European countries are wholeheartedly steering toward carbon neutrality and achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Consequently, technologies such as our bioengineering, batteries, hydrogen, and biodegradable materials are poised to become significant markets.
If you’re someone who shares our vision and is willing to contribute to the development of these technologies alongside HighChem’s team, we’d love to have you join us and make a difference.

― Starting this fiscal year, HighChem has adopted the slogan “We are the BRIDGE”

We are strengthening our recruitment efforts to find Chinese talent who can serve as a bridge between Japan and China. Additionally, we encourage Japanese individuals interested in China to join us.
This year, we are also expanding our presence by opening branches in Europe, steering HighChem toward a more global perspective. 
We welcome individuals who can view regions, countries, and cultures from a broader perspective to become part of our team.