The true value lies in implementing one’s research in society

Research and Development

Tokyo Research Center  Ms. X
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  • 2012.09

    Completed a master’s program in chemical engineering at Dalian University of Technology

  • 2016.10

    Specialized in chemical engineering at Hiroshima University and pursued a doctoral program

  • 2019.10

    Worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Tokyo Institute of Technology for one year

  • 2021.01

    Joined HighChem

    Assigned to HighChem Tokyo Research Center


― What made you decide to join HighChem?

After graduating from university, I was looking for a company in Japan where I could pursue research related to my interests and also have connections with my home country, China. As I researched about HighChem, I discovered that they have a catalyst factory in China, a strong sales team, and a pathway for research results to go beyond the lab and into the market. I found this aspect very appealing. As a researcher, I believe that implementing my research in society is where true value lies.

―What is your current job?

I am engaged in research and development to improve SEG® catalysts, which are manufactured and sold by HighChem. In the field of chemical engineering, the synthesis of compounds from a single carbon atom is crucial and is referred to as “C1 Chemicals.” My specific focus is on developing C1 chemical catalysts. Various factors, such as support material properties, loading processes, cocatalysts, and post-treatment, influence catalyst performance. Therefore, understanding these mechanisms and controlling performance is essential.

― What do you find fulfilling about working at HighChem?
【Stepping out of the lab and taking a step towards practical application】

As a researcher, I find it fascinating to consider possible mechanisms based on experimental results and verify them through various analytical methods. Especially when my hypotheses align with the analysis data, it brings a sense of accomplishment. Furthermore, what makes research at HighChem appealing is not only unraveling mechanisms, as in academia, but also aiming for performance improvements in products produced at the factory. Enhanced catalyst performance contributes to the company’s profitability and provides a broader sense of societal impact.

In February of this year, I spent about a month traveling to the Nantong Catalyst Factory to reproduce the recipe we improved at the Tokyo Research Center. We conducted small-scale lab experiments at the Nantong Research Center for the purpose of scaling up at the factory. The lab experiments were on a small scale of about 20g, but we were able to expand it to 300kg through scaling up, and we were able to confirm that the initial performance of the catalyst actually improved. The fact that we were able to take a step towards practical application was truly a joy.

― What do you value in your work?

For me, two essential aspects of work are continuous learning and critical thinking. When pursuing a goal, I believe it’s crucial to gather information through extensive research. I read numerous scientific papers and consider various approaches applicable to my experiments. However, as a researcher, it’s not enough to merely collect information. I also emphasize deep contemplation and thorough analysis of the gathered data.

― What do you want to challenge yourself with in the future?

My future challenge is to gain a deeper understanding of the catalysts I’m currently working on and become an expert in this field. I pride myself on being a passionate researcher who thoroughly immerses themselves in a specific area. By acquiring more knowledge about catalysts and advancing my research, I aspire to become a specialist in this domain.

Message to future colleagues

If you are interested in research that leads to mass production, let’s enjoy research and development together at HighChem!