Handling of applicants' personal information

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Handling of Applicant's Personal Information

HighChem Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “our company”) handles the personal information of each applicant (hereinafter referred to as “applicant”) obtained in connection with recruitment activities. We pay close attention to the policy described below and protect the personal information of applicants, such as name, address, telephone number, and email address, which can identify individuals (hereinafter referred to as “personal information”), provided to our company. We comply with the “Act on the Protection of Personal Information” and other related laws and regulations. When applying for a job at our company, you need to read this policy carefully and agree to it.

Purpose of Use of Personal Information

The personal information provided by you in your application will only be used for the following purposes.

・Decision making during recruitment selection
・Contacting applicants
・Use in personnel and labor affairs after recruitment

Joint Use of Personal Information

We may share applicants' personal information among our group companies. In such cases, we will be responsible for managing the personal information.

Handling of Documents and Electronic Data

The documents provided by you in your application cannot be returned, regardless of whether you are hired or not.

The documents or electronic data provided by you in your application will be properly managed by our company and will be discarded or deleted (discarded, etc.) at the appropriate time. Our company does not assume any obligation to store or discard such documents or electronic data for the applicant.

Handling in Case Personal Information is Not Provided

If you cannot provide the personal information specified by our company, you cannot apply for a job at our company.

Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

Except when the consent of the applicant has been obtained or when stipulated by laws and regulations, we will not provide the applicant’s personal information to third parties.

Inquiries, Corrections, Deletions, etc.

Regarding the personal data held by our company, if you wish to inquire, correct, delete, etc. about your own information, please contact us below. After confirming that the person who made the request is the person himself/herself, we will respond appropriately and promptly.

Revision of This Policy

This policy may be revised due to amendments to laws, guidelines, etc.


Inquiries regarding your application are accepted at the following contact point: 
HighChem Company Limited, Human Resources Department, 
Tokyo Toranomon Global Square 11th floor, 
1-3-1, Toranomon Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0001, JAPAN